List of exercises 1

Fix given functions.


  • Lucas Leandro Costa Lacerda


Built With

  • iostream

How it was fixed

  • In the first line remove .h suffix.
  • Swap function:
    • Add & operator in the parameters to change by reference.
  • Selection Sort function:
    • Remove const from the array because change the values.
    • Change ++i to i++.
    • Remove min_index from the for because it will not change inside the execute condition. Also removed from receive the j parameter because the min_index has to be the first value.
    • Change j variable to validate_min_index.
    • Indent the code to swap be inside of if scope.
    • Pass the array value instead the position in swap function.
  • Print Array function:
    • Remove & operator because will not be changed.
    • Change ',' to ';' inside the for.
    • Change how the array iterate.
    • Add std:: before using output methods.
  • Main:
    • Pass the array size as parameter instead the value.


Released under the MIT license.