Lux Cocktail`s


Lux Cocktail`s is a cocktail recipe organizer.


  • Add, Edit and Delete your own cocktails
  • Add and Delete cocktails doses

🛠 Frameworks

The following frameworks were used to build this application:


Antes de começar, você vai precisar ter instalado em sua máquina as seguintes ferramentas: Git, Ruby on Rails Além disto é bom ter um editor para trabalhar com o código como VSCode

🎲 Running on Back End (server)

# Clone this repository
$ git clone <>

# Open folder on terminal/cmd
$ cd rails-mister-cocktail

# Install all dependencies
$ Bundle Install

# Run the application in development mode
$ rails s

# The server will start at port: 3000 - go to http://localhost:3000


Project deployed at (