The idea of the App is:
"Check changes to a file and/or group of files, through of the HASH code. In this case, considering that the text file was generated at a time T, it should be possible to verify, in any time greater than T, if there has been a change in any of the files indexed in the text file. "
Complementary activity for completing the Security and Cryptography subject of the Computer Science course given by the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais, Poços de Caldas-MG campus.
Administered by the Professor. Doctor. João Benedito dos Santos Junior - Lattes
Encryption is the technique of cipher (encoded) writing, through which it is possible to transform an incoming message (set of bits) in an output message (another set of bits). Encryption can be applied to a stream of bytes, to a single file, to a set of files, to a directory (folder) of files, to an entire storage unit (discs, tapes, cards, among others).
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Generate the hash code of a directory, subfolders and/or file indicated by the user.
Analysis of a directory/file
- File Hash Code Generation
- Generation of folder hash code
- Subfolders and subfiles are included
Choice of Hash Generation Method
- MD5
- SHA-1
- SHA-256
Process Report
file is generated- It will contain all Hashs generated by the application.
[Method] Hash → Directory Path
[MD5] 8C9C7BFEE84EDA5C78AF2985ADB40C9C → /home/user/Desktop/folder/image1.png
To run this project in the development mode, you'll need to have a basic environment to run a Java project.
Cloning the Repository
$ git clone
$ cd JavaGeradorHash
- Java - Build the native app using Java
- IntelliJ IDEA - Interface Development Environment
- Stack Overflow - Research and also bug fixing
If you have any question about the project...
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Thank you!