The aim of this project is to experiment FaaS (Function as a service), by implementing an infrastructure which allows a user to upload one image and get it resized in several formats, using a message broker and workers.
This repo is a HETIC school project and its purpose is purely educational.
Feel free to fork the project, but be aware that development might slow down or stop completely at any time, and that we are not looking for maintainers or owner.
- Project Status
- Overview
- Getting Started
- Known Issues
- Built With
- Team Members
- Acknowledgments
- License
before June 22th :
- send an e-mail to the teacher with a link towards this repo.
- make the teacher a contributor (if the repo isn't public).
note: we shall all be in copy of the e-mail.
The repo should include :
- the code corresponding to the "local" version
- with a complete Readme, including
- the 2 schemas (any format is fine)
- how to run the app
- how to test it (e.g.: does it launch a localhost:8080 with an interface and an image ?)
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment section for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
- Golang (v1.15.8 or higher.)
- Docker installed and running
- Familiarity with basic Docker functionality and commands
sudo docker run
go run .
None (yet)
- Docker - Application packaging solution
- Golang - Open source programming language
- rmq Golang message queue system
- Lucas Lehot - lucaslehot
- Cyrille Banovsky - Ban0vsky
- Quentin Maillard - Tichyus
- Corentin Boulanouar - Shawnuke
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.