Oompa Loompa's Crew in React + Redux Build Status

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Getting Started

npm install
npm start

This runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.


You can run all the unit tests with:

npm test

You can also view the code coverage running:

npm test -- --coverage

Important features or bonuses

  • Filtering by query searchTerms on client-side
  • Client-side navigation
  • Storing the oompa on the localStorage for a day
  • InfiniteScroll on the Home page
  • Not scaped HTML content for the Oompa description.
  • Tests in almost all the components and other files. Using Enzyme, sinon and chai.
  • Responsive. It adapt to all window screen sizes. Even on a cellphone.
  • eslint configuration.
  • Travis CI.
  • Some little CSS animations on hover.
  • Renders the Oompa Detail page with the content that was retrieved for the Home list, and then request for the Oompa description.
  • Loading messages when the request in being made.

Things to improve or nice to have

  • Server side rendering.
  • Using config variables for expiring time in the local storage, and other things.
  • Create pageObjects for future component testing with protractor or WebDriverIO
  • Catching errors in the client. What happens when there is a 500, 404 or 400 status code on the Oompa API? Solution: I should create a and display it if there is an error in Redux state that was previously set when receiving an error from the API. Problem: Now the API does not return a 500 Internal Server Error. If it does not find the Oompa returns an error but with a 200 statusCode instead of a 404 Not Found (Not good). Not able to find a way to throw a 400 Bad Request.
  • I don’t know if there is a reason for this but the API retrieves 25 oompas but also has an attribute “total” always with a a value of 20. It is not consistent.
  • Be able to search based on searchTerms on the API also. For this I need the API retrieves the assets based on a given query term. I would implement this also by having the query searchTerm in the URL. So you can copy and paste the url in another tab and it will autocomplete the search input and also filter the oompas.
  • Change the HTML header depending on the name of the Oompa when entering to the OompaDetail page.