
Demo showing how to use gomplate to template a Go project with a Dependabot config

Primary LanguageGo

Gomplate Dependabot Demo

This is a demo showing how to use gomplate to template out a Go project. Notably, the go.mod file used for templating is a completely valid go.mod file, which allows automated tools such as Dependabot to parse (and propose updates to) the template.


  1. Install gomplate.
  2. Run USER=farnsworth PROJECT=time-machine gomplate --input-dir=inDir --output-dir=outDir to render the templates into a new outDir directory.

Additional information

To make the demo simpler, the _templater.tmpl file hard-codes a relative path to the outDir directory. If you want to use this technique with the --output-dir configuration option, you'll need to adjust the hard-coded string to read the output path from a data source or context instead to ensure that the file is written to the correct directroy. See hairyhenderson/gomplate#2057 for more information.