
Automatically bump your python project files to the latest version.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Molting 🐍🐍

PyPI PyPI - Python Version
CI - nox sessions

Automatically bump your project files to the latest version.


Simplifies the process of creating new releases by bumping version numbers, updating release notes, and creating a GitHub release.

  • Easy to use - Can be called without any arguments; let molting figure out the specifics.
  • Built for CI/CD - Run from GitHub Actions or similar CI/CD tool to completely automate your release process.

How it works

graph TD
    A[Invoke molting CLI] -->|Specify semver type| B(Calculate new version)
    A -->|Omit semver type| C(Get commit messages)
    C --> D[Predict change type]
    D --> B
    B --> G(Get changelog notes)
    G -->|Changelog notes found| E(Update version in files)
    G -->|No Changelog notes exist| J(Get commit messages)
    J -->|Write commit messages to Changelog| G
    E --> F(Create new git tag)
    F --> K(Create GitHub release with Changelog notes)