
State estimator of UAVs using UVDAR and UWB for accurate position estimation.

Primary LanguageJulia


For testing

LNN implementaion

  1. start vio.sh in mrse package
  2. start md_start.sh inside scripts/simulation folder and wait for the object_tracker_simple get better
  3. inside vio.sh simulation tmux, go to the estimator with UWB in the name, start estimator with uwb
  4. start plotjugler rosrun plotjugler and import the xml file
  5. start in sequence by sufix, vio.sh simulation tmux
  6. watch in plotjugler

feat_uwb_implementation (mrse) - manual mode

  1. start vio.sh in mrse package
  2. inside vio.sh simulation tmux, go to the estimator with UWB in the name, start estimator with uwb
  3. start plotjugler rosrun plotjugler and import the xml file
  4. start in sequence by sufix, vio.sh simulation tmux
  5. watch in plotjugler

feat_uwb_implementation (mrse) - automatic

  1. start vio.sh in mrse package
  2. inside vio.sh simulation tmux, go to the estimator with UWB in the name, start estimator with uwb
  3. start plotjugler rosrun plotjugler plotjugler and import the xml file comparing_same_time.xml
  4. start the code python cmds.py
  5. watch in plotjugler

Jiri implementaion

  1. start vio.sh in mrse package
  2. inside vio.sh simulation tmux, go to the estimator and start it
  3. start plotjugler rosrun plotjugler and import the xml file
  4. start in sequence by sufix, vio.sh simulation tmux
  5. watch in plotjugler


  • I think that jiri uses the uvdar error in his favor, to create the lines that in the intersection is the UAV

  • how to implement if I dont have this kinda of information?

  • increase the number of drones and implement a triangulation ? and the UWB?

  • test the vio implementation


  • implement all at the same time
  • same path for all the drones


feat_uwb_implementation (mrse)

  • code are running, good performance in spin test (python code)
  • still some problems because of not showing in some moments (return nothing)
  • verify the implementation if works like before (OK)

feat_uwb_implementation (mrse)

  • create new branch on mrse and insert the code inside uvdar callback


Useful commands

Command for keyboard share

x2x -to :0 -east

command to add a key

eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"

Command to commit on megabedna

ssh-add /home/mrs/.ssh/lucasnn

comand to list other nodes

rosnode list

rosnode kill ...

find the correct workspace that teamviewer is

i3-msg workspace $(number 0 .. 9)

take a screen shot on the virtual machine and convert to png

xwd -display :0 -root > output.xwd && convert output.xwd output.png

open image with vscode ssh remote

code $folder_name

command to open images in terminal

xdg-open $file_name

kill object tracker program if the code is not running

pkill -f uvdar_uwb_state_estimator_workspace