Star Wars Planets

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

A group of developers is creating a game with Star Wars information.

In the middle of the process, one very special developer (SPOILER ALERT: me) was summoned to help. His role was to implement an API containing information about Star Wars planets.


  • MongoDB

    Running on localhost:27017 and a database called "starwars".

Running the application

To run this API you'll need to execute the following command on your terminal:

mvn spring-boot:run


A Swagger document for this API can be found in:


Planet characteristics

  • Name
  • Climate
  • Terrain

That wasn't all! One more thing was necessary: retrieve information from an external API. He was requested to retrieve the number of films where each created planet appeared, from SWAPI.

Technologies involved

  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Data MongoDB
  • Lombok
  • Gson
  • ModelMapper
  • Swagger
  • JUnit
  • Mockito


In order to help you, there are included a Postman collection and environment.


Create Planet

Operation sent with HTTP method POST to http://{{api-host}}:{{port}}/starwars/planet and the request body should follow this pattern:

    "name": "Tatooine",
    "climate": "arid",
    "terrain": "desert"

As response, the planet, including the number of films should be returned.

    "name": "Tatooine",
    "id": "60b9438baed1fb508f5c12b1",
    "terrain": "desert",
    "climate": "arid",
    "numberOfFilms": 5

List planets

Operation sent with HTTP method GET to http://{{api-host}}:{{port}}/starwars/planet?page=0&limit=5. Since this is a paginated request, sending it exactly as shown above, it will return the first 5 planets created. Removing the page and limit parameters, by default the API returns the first page and 5 results.

Example response:

        "name": "Tatooine",
        "id": "60b9529c2d56f544ec69d93e",
        "terrain": "desert",
        "climate": "arid",
        "numberOfFilms": 5
        "name": "Hoth",
        "id": "60b9529c2d56f544ec69d93f",
        "terrain": "jungle, rainforests",
        "climate": "temperate, tropical",
        "numberOfFilms": 1

Find planet

A planet can be found by two different attributes: Name or Id.

  • By name

    HTTP method: GET

  • By id

    HTTP method: GET


Remove planet

As well as find a planet, is possible to delete a planet by the same two attributes: Name or Id.

  • By name

    HTTP method: DELETE

  • By id

    HTTP method: DELETE
