A React Native package for interacting with Apple HealthKit
- 25
Is this project abandonned?
#179 opened by olegfeferman - 2
- 2
- 4
App Store Distribution fails on valid value
#201 opened by sorakrisc - 5
Distance swimming is missing in the permissions
#152 opened by Manouli - 1
authorizationStatusForType("HeartRate") causes Error: Unknown error from a native module
#131 opened by gz2jbt - 0
- 0
Can't get Demo working
#197 opened by kenjichanhkg - 3
Getting Workout data does not work
#160 opened by ix42 - 0
README confuses height with age
#196 opened by TNielsen92pro - 2
- 1
Read water sample(s) for specific date
#192 opened by zainlinux1989 - 6
1.0v (Rewrite)
#120 opened by terrillo - 5
- 3
Gathering symptoms from HealthKit
#174 opened by CoenWarmer - 0
getAuthorizationStatusString function always returns HKAuthorizationStatusSharingDenied
#183 opened by ankit-bacancy - 2
- 0
getDistanceSwimming and getSwimmingStrokeCount not working in this library ? Are these removed or what?
#180 opened by ZishanK - 6
getting error on getStepCount()
#177 opened by ZishanK - 1
Myproj/node_modules/rn-apple-healthkit/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-RCTAppleHealthKit/Pods-RCTAppleHealthKit.debug.xcconfig: unable to open file (in target "RCTAppleHealthKit" in project "RCTAppleHealthKit") (in target 'RCTAppleHealthKit')
#178 opened by aTrueSeeker - 0
Version 0.8.0 not resolved into tag 0.8v
#175 opened by qworin - 0
Strange issues with iPhones and Apple Watch
#171 opened by AnyIdeasAds - 0
Question: Is there a way to get samples only from the source that the user has set as a priority?
#170 opened by Manouli - 2
check granted 'read' permissions
#169 opened by agnieszkabugla - 3
Getting samples of data are not working
#155 opened by Vladosk1n - 0
Is it possible to use this package without setting NSHealthShareUsageDescription?
#163 opened by schumannd - 0
Is there a way to start / end an HKWorkoutSession?
#159 opened by kamarmack - 4
Not able to get Steps Data, show's empty array
#140 opened by AndresTIY - 7
0.7.3 is not reading workouts, (while 0.6.5 is)
#127 opened by IceDev-xyz - 1
Support for React Native 0.59.x?
#154 opened by dethell - 0
Unknown error from a native module
#153 opened by otto-md - 0
AppleHealthKit.getDailyDistanceCyclingSamples needs to include includeManuallyAdded in the docs
#151 opened by Manouli - 3
getDailyDistanceWalkingRunningSamples not working
#145 opened by anija - 3
- 1
getSleepSamples not working
#142 opened by alexeyz-PE - 2
No source in getSleepSamples result objects
#133 opened by dmatora - 0
getDailyStepCountSamples return empty array as getStepCount return object of stepcount
#141 opened by aanom - 1
Missing read Mindful minute
#114 opened by mmgmail - 1
- 0
TypeScript types are incorrect
#130 opened by jacquerie - 1
- 1
- 1
- 0
- 0
getDistanceSwimming is not a function
#123 opened by yernandus - 2
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Auto linking not supported , How we configure this in latest version of react native which is only supported autoLinking.
#112 opened by Farhankhalid33100 - 1
Support of this library
#113 opened by younss - 1
- 0
New 1.0 fork :D
#117 opened by terrillo