These are the materials comprising the scientometric analysis in Public Participation, Engagement and Climate Change Adaptation: A Review of the Research Literature. In order to re-create the analysis, you'll need to install the following Python packages, using Python 3.7.x:
- jupyterlab == 0.35.6
- pandas == 0.24.0
- matplotlib == 1.16.0
- numpy == 1.16.2
- nltk == 3.4
- sklearn == 0.20.2
- xlrd == 1.2.0
- squarify == 0.4.2
- statsmodels == 0.9.0
When you've installed the packages, run jupyter lab
or jupyter notebook
. The primary analysis is contained in WIREs.ipynb. A plaintext version of the dataset, derived from an ISI Web of Science search, can be found at combined.csv
This analysis has a DOI, and a zipped version of this repository is permanently available at Zenodo:
All original code in this repository is licensed under the Blue Oak Model License 1.0, and is free to use subject to its terms.