WOTS implementations for fun and experiments

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


WOTS implementations for fun and experiments

The goal is to have a valid and fast implementation of the Winternitz OTS so that I can benchmark and easily modify/extend the algorithms.

Mainly, the library will contain a classical WOTS implementation with some other variations available in the literature. The second goal will be to implement tree-based algorithms (such as XMSS) and parallel hashes with SIMD.

Security Remark

Do not attempt to use this for cryptographic purposes. This implementation does not take any security common practices into consideration.


Requires OpenSSL

Later I will be adding avx (will require compatible intel processor) and OpenMP

make test
make bench

The benchmark and test applications are available with their own makefiles and require to have libgtest and libbenchmark (from Google).