
Implementations of some of the Computer Graphics algorithms

Primary LanguageC++

CG Algorithms

This is our "mini Graphics Framework" that we build (in openGL) for the CG discipline Sao Paulo State University (UNESP).

Final Animation
An Animation showing all algorithms together

The current algorithms present here are:

  • DDA algorithm for drawing lines
  • Bresenham algorithm for drawing lines and circles
  • Scan Line algorithm for filling polygons
  • 2D transformations
  • 2D Clipping (in ViewportWindows class)
    • clipLine - Cohen-Sutherland algorithm
    • clipPolygon - Hodgman-Sutherland algorithm

This is our release version, in order to present to the Professor Denis Salvadeo.


Some Polygons
Some nice polygons

Clipping Lines and Polygon
ClipLine and ClipPolygon in action

Project Structure
Our project structure


Lucas Pinheiro @lucaspin
Dalton Lima @daltonbr