This is an educational project for the OS-II class on Sao Paulo State University - UNESP.
[x] Simulate a disk with 256 sectors of 512 bytes. The first 10 sectors will be reserved for the boot sector, the filesystem itself and the root directory; the ones can be used for user files.
[x] Allow file allocation in a non-contiguous manner. Suggestion: use a block allocation table and a bitmap to manage the free space.
[x] Allow directory and sub-directory creation with the command mkdir
, until a maximum of 8 levels. Each directory can contain several sub-directories. Each directory/sub-directory occupies one sector of the disk.
[x] Allow file creation inside the directories and sub-directories with the command mkfile
. Each directory can contain several files. When creating a file, its size must be specified (size in bytes), and disk sectors must be allocated accordingly. File names must be unique inside a directory/sub-directory.
[x] Allow directory/sub-directory deletion with the command rmdir
. Non-Empty directories can't be deleted.
[ ] Allow file deletion with the command rmfile
[x] list the files and sub-directories with the command listdir
. On the list:
- directories must indicate that they are directories
- files must show size, time and creation date
- In the end, it must appear: the total number of files and directories, the total size of files and directories and the amount of free disk space.
[x] showsec
command to indicate which sectors are occupied by some file.
[x] mapsec
command to show the free and occupied sectors of the disk
[ ] dirtree
command to show the filesystem tree of directories
[x] help
command to show the available commands
[x] exit
command to exit the program
- Dalton Lima @daltonbr
- Lucas Pinheiros @lucaspin