
Custom ZSH theme that simulates pills created using powerline characters.

Primary LanguageRuby

Powerline Pills theme for ZSH

Custom ZSH theme created in Ruby, using powerline characters to simulate pills with useful information.

This theme is being updated (October 2019). There will be a refactor to improve the quality of the code, reliability and the performance.


⚠️ WARNING: If you installed this theme before January 2nd, 2018, you will need to install it again! ⚠️

Ruby (tested with 1.9.3), ZSH and Oh-my-zsh are required for this theme.

This requires a powerline patched font to work properly. I recommend using one of the Nerd Fonts.


  1. Clone this repository:
    git clone https://github.com/lucasqueiroz/powerline-pills-zsh.git
  2. Cd into the folder that you cloned, then into the install folder
  3. Run the following command to install the theme (Warning: it will change your current zsh theme!)
  4. Reload your terminal (or open a new tab)


  1. Clone this repository:
    git clone https://github.com/lucasqueiroz/powerline-pills-zsh.git
  2. Cd into the folder that you cloned
  3. Copy the powerline-pills.zsh-theme file to your oh-my-zsh's custom folder (Usually found in ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom)
  4. Edit the ~/.zshrc file and set powerline-pills as the current theme
  5. Add this to the end of the ~/.zshrc file:
# Powerline Pills Theme
export POWERLINE_PILLS="<powerline-pills folder>"

Replacing <powerline-pills folder> with the folder that you cloned this repository into.


The configuration file (config.yml) has options for you to customize this theme. The left_top, right_top and left_bottom configurations under base let you configure which pills you want on each part.

