
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Linkr it's a link-sharing social media with a responsive layout inspired by Twitter. It has a lot of functionalities of a usual social media: register/login, an infinite timeline that prioritizes posts from your interests, trending, profiles, etc. It was constructed by 5 people following the SCRUM method.

Front-end was built using React and its libraries such as Axios, Styled-Components, and others. The back-end was built using Node with Express.js and PostgreSQL.

Back-end repository link: https://github.com/lucasreis64/linkr-back


O Linkr é uma rede social de compartilhamento de links com layout responsivo inspirada pelo twitter. Possuí diversas funcionalidades de uma rede social: cadastro/login, timeline de carregamento infinito que prioriza posts de quem você segue, trending, perfis, etc. Foi construído por um total de 5 pessoas utilizando o método SCRUM.

O front-end foi construído utilizando React e suas bibliotecas, como Axios, Styled-Components e outras. O back-end foi construído utilizando Node, com Express.js e PostgreSQL.

Link repositorio back-end: https://github.com/lucasreis64/linkr-back