
Asteroids Project created with C++ / OpenGL Game Engine

Primary LanguageC++


A tribute to the game Asteroids (1979) in our Game Engine. Written in C++ using GLFW, GLM, and GLEW.

Generic badge



To build this project in Visual Studio 2019:

  1. Open the Property Manager window under View -> Other Windows
  2. Expand the root item and right-click on Debug|Win32 -> Add Existing Property Sheet
  3. Select the OpenGL-PropertySheet.props file in the project directory
  4. Repeat this process for Release|Win32

Build Warnings

If you get the following warning:

warning LNK4098: defaultlib \<library\> conflicts with use of other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library

  1. Open the project properties window,
  2. Go to Linker -> Input -> Ignore Specific Default Libraries
  3. Add the conflicting library to the field


Hardy Whitney — Lucas Rumney



Used the development template established in our OpenGL Development Template for Microsoft Visual Studio.

Entity Component System Structure

ECS Structure based heavily on Austin Morlan's amazing article.