
automatically (re)index files inside a folder using Apache Lucene

Primary LanguageScala


reindxr recursively search for all documents (pdf, doc, txt, ...) in a same directory, indexes their contents on a language aware index, and make them searchable through a REST API.

Given a dir were all your documents will be placed, let's say data, and a dir, index, on which the indexed data will be placed, there are 3 different events on data that will change the contents of index:

  • new file: a new document is placed in data. reindxr will notice the added file, load the contents of the document and add them to index. As soon as it is indexed, it will then be searchable through the REST API;
  • file modified: the contents of a document inside data that is also in index is changed. reindxr will detect those changes and update index with them;
  • file removed: a file, previously in index, is deleted from the data folder. It will then be removed from index.


You can download the latest releases on the Download tab and unzip it to wherever you desire. On the zip file you will find the file bin/reindxr.

To start it as a background process run:

./bin/reindxr start

...and to stop:

./bin/reindxr stop

reindxr comes with some default configurations for defining the index and data directories. If env.sh on the bin dir is not modified, it will create a directory in $HOME/.reindxr, where you can find both dirs.


Apache Lucene is used to created the indexed data. Language detection and document text extraction is done with Apache Tika.

Once a new file or file modified event is fired, the text inside that specific document format is extracted and the language used on it is identified. With the language information, the right Lucene analyzer is selected. Currently, there are only two analyzers enabled:

  • English
  • Brazilian Portuguese

For each enabled language analyzer, a new directory is created in side index. For instance, index/en and index/pt. Documents that match the available analyzers will be placed on one of those index subdirectories. Portuguese based languages will fall on the second option, while all the other ones, by default, will be analyzed as English.

The files are identified by their file names, where a file data/someDocument.pdf will have id someDocument.pdf. For a subdirectory inside data, the parent directory name will be used. For instance, data/someDir/someDocument.pdf will have id someDir/someDocument.pdf. With that, id colision is avoided by the fact that it is not possible to have two files with the same id on data.

During a search, all the index subdirectories will be searched, using their respective analyzers. For performance purposes, those searches are made in parallel in each subdir. The same happens when deleting: it will traverse all the index subdirs. When modified, a deletion will happen first, followed by the reinsertion of the document on index.

rest api

The HTTP server runs on port 8123 and was create using Unfiltered. There are a few ways to access the index, which are explained below. All of them return responses in a Json format:

  • Searching: will return all documents that match the given criteria (based on the Lucene search format):

/search/#{search criteria}

  • Snippets: will return all documents that match the criteria plus snippets of those hits:

/snippets/#{search criteria}

  • File Snippet: returns the snippets matching the criteria on a given document:

/snippets/#{document id}/#{search criteria}

  • Highlighting: will retuned all the content of a single document, highlighting all the matches of the given criteria:

/hl/#{document id}/#{search criteria}


Given a file on the data directory, for instance, document.pdf, a file with the same name plus the .metadata extension can be added to add further information about that file. Following our example, the metadata file would be named document.pdf.metadata. This file must have the same extructure of a properties file (key=value). An example of the contents of such a file would be:

title=On the Origin of Species author=Charles Robert Darwin publishDate=-18941124

Each key/pair avaialable will also be indexed, together with the document itself. Plus, each key will now become a searchable field, allowing a user of the rest API to do a search like:

/search/natual selection title:(Species Origin) author:(Darwin) publishDate:[18000101 TO 19000101]

The default Lucene Query Parser Syntax is used for queries.

A metadata file that has no companion file will not be added to the index. If any of the files are modified (the document or the metadata file) changes will automatically reflect on the index. To avoid index re-creation it is important to add the metadata file first, followed by the document file.


  • To generate a jar:

sbt assembly

  • To generate a eclipse project:

sbt eclipse

  • To run

java -cp reindxr.jar co.torri.reindxr.Main <dataFolder> <indexFolder> [serverPort]


  • You can navigate the created indexes using Luke.