
🗡️ Dark color scheme for Neovim and Vim

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT



Melange is a dark color scheme with a warm, moderate contrast color palette. It supports tree-sitter and regular highlighting (works with Vim8).


  • termguicolors enabled for true color support

  • (recommended) Neovim 0.5

  • (recommended) nvim-treesitter


With Paq:

paq 'savq/melange'

With Packer:

use 'savq/melange'

Additionally, nvim-treesitter can be used to install tree-sitter grammars.


In your init.vim:

colorscheme melange

Or in your init.lua:

vim.cmd 'colorscheme melange'


The color scheme was developed with the following ideas in mind:

  • Control flow should use warmer colors
  • Data should use colder colors
  • It should be easy to modify
  • Ayu and Gruvbox were the main inspirations

Build and develop

Melange is made with Lush.nvim, which makes it very easy to modify.

Assuming you have Lush.nvim installed, you can change the definitions in lua/melange/colors.lua, live preview them, and when you're happy with them compile them to a .vim file. Melange provides a build script and a makefile for convenience.

Alternatively, you can source the .lua file directly:

lua require('lush')(require('melange.colors'))


I'm open to suggestions on the color scheme, there are still things that I don't find perfect just yet.

Highlight group definitions for specific languages won't be accepted though. Your favorite language probably has a tree-sitter grammar already available. See the supported languages.

It's possible to auto-generate colors schemes for different terminal emulators. Although, only Alacritty is currently available. If you want to add support for another terminal emulator, feel free to open a PR.

Support for status line plugins would also be welcome (the lush templates have some info on that).

