Responsive web application for fast food.
On home page is possibly to add new requests in different categorys, like hamburguers, drinks, side dishes and desserts.
After finish your requests you can go to checkout page and fill the fields client name, form of payment and change value if you want to finish you request.
After finish you request will open a window to print and you will be redirect to home page.
Now you request is passed to the kitchen page and delivered page.
In kitchen page you can see all requests and finalize orders when ready.
After the order be marked as ready, the request status is changed in real time on deliverd page too.
First install all dependencies
npm install or yarn
Then initialize the project
npm run dev or yarn dev
- JavaScript
- Reactjs
- TypeScript
- Styled-components
- Vite
- ESLint
- CommitLint
- Husky