
REST API in Golang to practice

Primary LanguageGo


REST API in Golang to practice.


git clone git@github.com:lucasvmiguel/go-api-test.git

You must have Golang installed and configured to work with this API.

Getting Started

First, generate the database schema and Golang ORM code:

make db-migrate
make db-generate

Then, run the development server:

make run-api


  • Language: Golang
  • API/REST framework: chi
  • Database ORM: Prisma
  • Config reader: godotenv


How to run unit

make test-unit


All config are passed using environment variables, see all them below:

Env Var Default value
PORT 8080

Folder/File struct

  • /db: All ORM entities are auto generated using prisma.
  • /cmd: Main applications for this project.
  • /internal: Private application and library code.
  • /pkg: Library code that's ok to use by external applications.
  • /.github: CI/CD from Github.
  • schema.prisma: Database schema.
  • dev.db: Database used for development.
  • Makefile: Project's executable tasks.

Reference: https://github.com/golang-standards/project-layout


Check the Github actions for this repository, but in a nutshell:

  1. Set up Go
  2. Build
  3. Test
  4. Log in to the Container registry (Github)
  5. Build and push Docker images