
Key value store library that uses your current database (for you that don't want to spend even more money)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Version Build Status Downloads


Key value store library that uses a few database options. It might be the case that you don't want to spend money in a new instance or in another service.

Adapters available:

  • Local
  • MySQL
  • Redis
  • Postgres (roadmap)
  • MongoDB (roadmap)


npm install --save @lucasvmiguel/kv-store

How to use


import * as kvStore from '@lucasvmiguel/kv-store';

const connection = mysql.createConnection({
    host: '...',
    user: '...',
    password: '...',
    port: '...',
    database: '...',

await kvStore.init({
  type: 'mysql',
  client: connection,
  tableName: 'kvstore_keyvalues', // OPTIONAL
  debug: false, // OPTIONAL

await kvStore.put('USER:123', 'abc');
const abc = await kvStore.get('USER:123');

// Expiration in seconds
await kvStore.putJson('USER:456', {foo: "bar"}, { expiration: 60 });
const fooBar = await kvStore.getJson('USER:456');


import * as kvStore from '@lucasvmiguel/kv-store';

const connection = redis.createClient(6379, '')

await kvStore.init({
  type: 'redis',
  client: connection,
  tableName: 'kvstore_keyvalues', // OPTIONAL
  debug: false, // OPTIONAL

await kvStore.put('USER:123', 'abc');
const abc = await kvStore.get('USER:123');

// Expiration in seconds
await kvStore.putJson('USER:456', {foo: "bar"}, { expiration: 60 });
const fooBar = await kvStore.getJson('USER:456');


import * as kvStore from '@lucasvmiguel/kv-store';

await kvStore.init({
  type: 'local',
  client: null,
  tableName: 'kvstore_keyvalues', // OPTIONAL
  debug: false, // OPTIONAL

await kvStore.put('USER:123', 'abc');
const abc = await kvStore.get('USER:123');

// Expiration in seconds
await kvStore.putJson('USER:456', {foo: "bar"}, { expiration: 60 });
const fooBar = await kvStore.getJson('USER:456');

API Reference

  • expiration is in seconds
  • just pass null to init if is local cache
function init: ({
    type: 'mysql' OR 'redis' OR 'local',
    client: mysql.Connection OR redis.RedisClient OR null,
    tableName?: string;
    debug?: boolean;
}) => Promise<boolean>
function refresh(connection: mysql.Connection OR redis.RedisClient OR null) => Promise<boolean>
function get(key: string) => Promise<string OR null>;
function put(key: string, value: string, options?: {expiration?: number}) => Promise<boolean>
function del(key: string) => Promise<boolean OR null>
