
Primary LanguageJavaScript

What is it?

Node.js application with Mysql image on Docker. The idea is a simple screen divided into 2 panels, where on the left it is possible to add comments and on the other side you can view all comments with an option to listen to the text through the ibm watson API

First impression of the app App with data

sneak peek

The database configs

use the command below to generate the database


in the file /database/database.js it's possible to change the connection settings to the database.

const connection = new Sequelize('comentarios','root','root',{

In the file /index.js

Change the apikey and the url generated in the IBM account.

        const textToSpeech = new TextToSpeechV1({
            authenticator: new IamAuthenticator({ apikey: '**YourApiKeyHere**' }),
            url: '**YourURL**'

In the terminal

Accessing the terminal by navigating into the project and then execute the command: npm start

Accessing the application in the browser:
