
A Ceylon module that lets you send messages to the systemd system journal.

Primary LanguageCeylonGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


A module that lets you send messages with structured information to the systemd system journal.

Current status

Prototype / pre-release candidate. You can use it, but I don’t promise a stable interface yet. The run function definitely has to be removed before release, and automated tests are definitely necessary.


import de.lucaswerkmeister.ceylonJournal { ... }
// ...

MessageId message_calculation = MessageId.fromString("9f28d5bcffcb4700ac8909b4ca208676");

// ...

void process(Request request) {
    // ...
    writeJournal {
        "User ``user`` requested calculation: ``operand1`` ``operator`` ``operand2`` = ``result``";
        messageId = message_calculation;
        priority = Priority.info;
    // ...

You can then search for all additions performed by user joe with the following command:

journalctl MESSAGE_ID=9f28d5bcffcb4700ac8909b4ca208676 USER=joe OPERATOR=+


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By submitting a "pull request" or otherwise contributing to this repository, you agree to license your contribution under the license mentioned above.