
Home sweet home

Primary LanguageShell


This is the git repository for my home directory, which I use on most of my own systems, as well as some systems that aren’t mine but that I have a separate user account on. It contains default configuration for many programs and some shell utilities.


The .bashrc.d directory contains Bash initialization snippets: environment adjustments, source directives, and shell functions and aliases. Some of the functions may be useful to you as well.


A function to (re)open a terminal window with a tmux session inside it.

Usage: lterm name location, e. g. lterm etc /etc, or just lterm name. If the location is omitted, the target of a symlink in ~/.config/lterm/ (respecting $XDG_CONFIG_HOME) is used, e. g. ln -s /etc ~/.config/lterm/etc and then lterm etc.

If the tmux session already exists, it is reattached, and if a terminal window is already attached to the session, that window is activated and brought to the foreground, so if you have a small library of lterm targets in ~/.config/lterm/, you can essentially always run lterm name to bring the terminal “name” up.

Tab completion is available.


Copy the location header of a redirect URL. The first argument is the URL, which should respond with an HTTP 3xx status code and a location header. That header is then copied to the system clipboard. For example: copy-location http://tinyurl.com/yakkmzz3


A triple of functions to record and replay the location of physical things (or anything else). Run da NAME to store where NAME is (write the description to standard input and eventually terminate it with Ctrl+D), wo NAME to show where NAME is, and aka NAME ALIAS to record an alias for NAME. (If you don’t speak German, you might want to translate these functions before using them.)