
Generate an AWS CDK Typescript docset for Dash or Zeal, based on the published docs on

How to use it

This code depends on Python 3, plus a number of libraries. You can install Python with asdf by running asdf install, or you can manage that by other means.

  1. Install a compatible version of Python:

    $ asdf install
  2. Install packages:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Run ./

How it works

Step 1: Scrape all the docs from Amazon (Bash script)

This step uses wget --recursive to find and download all the docs from It may take a while.

Step 2: Munge the docs into a Dash-friendly form (Python script)

There are a few things going on here:

  • Removing unwanted tags from the HTML (for example, we don't need <script> tags or unsightly headers in Dash)
  • Building up an index of all the programming constructs for Dash to search through (as per the instructions here)
  • Structuring it all as a .docset folder, ready for Dash to import