
Project of an online course store using a monorepo with Next.js for the frontend and Nest.js for the backend, following a microservices architecture and using Apache Kafka.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Dev Monorepo

Project of an online course platform using a monorepo with Next.js for the frontend and Nest.js for the backend, following a microservices architecture and using Apache Kafka.
Obs: In this project, I had no intention to build the entire course platform. Instead, the focus was to develop and study microservices architecture with NestJS and GraphQL.


Used Techs

Monorepo: Turborepo

Frontend: React, Next.js, GraphQL Codegen

Backend: Nest.js, GraphQL, Apollo Client, Apache Kafka

Database: Serverless PostgreSQL, PrismaORM

Styling/Animations/Icons: TailwindCSS, ShadcnUI, RadixUI, Lucide Icons

Auth Manager: Auth0

Others: Zod, Husky, Commitizen, Commitlint, Lint-staged

Services Description:

  • Purchase Service:
    • [Admin] Products register
    • [Admin] Products list
    • [Auth] Shopping list
    • [Public] Products purchase
    • [Public] Available products for purchase
  • Classroom Service:
    • [Admin] Registrations list
    • [Admin] Students list
    • [Admin] Courses list
    • [Admin] Courses register
    • [Auth] List courses a student has access
    • [Auth] List course content


  • Monorepo architecture by Turborepo
  • Microservices architecture with Apache Kafka.
  • Cloud database by Neon.tech (PostgreSQL)
  • Unitary testing with Jest
  • Authentication by Auth0
  • GraphQL API Gateway with Apollo Federation


  • Nest.js framework
  • Monorepo architecture and configuration
  • Auth0 authentication management
  • Serverless Database with Neon
  • Microservices architecture + Apache Kafka (Message Brokers)
  • GraphQL + Apollo Client practical studies
  • Apollo Federation
  • GraphQL Codegen
  • Deploy in Amazon Beanstalk (upcoming)

Project Architecture



  • Homepage
  • Auth0 Login
  • Courses Loading
  • Courses Loaded
  • Enroll action loading
  • Enroll confirmation message
  • Already enrolled message
  • User courses