#JSONCodable Hassle-free JSON encoding and decoding in Swift
Simply add the following to your Cartfile
github "matthewcheok/JSONCodable"
and then run carthage update
Swift 2.0 Required This project uses a variety of Swift features including Protocol Extensions and Error Handling available in Swift 2.0
Breaking Change
now supports let
properties. You now implement init?(JSONDictionary: [String:AnyObject])
instead of func JSONDecode()
and func toJSON()
instead of func JSONEncode()
is made of two separate protocols JSONEncodable
and JSONDecodable
allows your structs and classes to generate NSDictionary
or [String: AnyObject]
equivalents for use with NSJSONSerialization
allows you to generate structs from NSDictionary
coming in from a network request for example.
We'll use the following models in this example:
struct User {
let id: Int
let name: String
var email: String?
var company: Company?
var friends: [User] = []
struct Company {
let name: String
var address: String?
Using JSONEncodable
Simply add conformance to JSONEncodable
(or to JSONCodable
extension User: JSONEncodable {
func toJSON() throws -> AnyObject {
var result: [String: AnyObject] = [:]
try result.encode(id, key: "id")
try result.encode(name, key: "full_name")
try result.encode(email, key: "email")
try result.encode(company, key: "company")
try result.encode(friends, key: "friends")
return result
extension Company: JSONEncodable {}
The default implementation of func toJSON()
inspects the properties of your type using reflection (see Company
.) If you need a different mapping, you can provide your own implementation (see User
Instantiate your struct, then use the func toJSON()
method to obtain a equivalent form suitable for use with NSJSONSerialization
let dict = try user.toJSON()
print("dict: \(dict)")
[full_name: John Appleseed, id: 24, email: john@appleseed.com, company: {
address = "1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA";
name = Apple;
}, friends: (
friends = (
"full_name" = "Bob Jefferson";
id = 27;
friends = (
"full_name" = "Jen Jackson";
id = 29;
##Using JSONDecodable
Simply add conformance to JSONDecodable
(or to JSONCodable
extension User: JSONDecodable {
init?(JSONDictionary: [String:AnyObject]) {
do {
id = try JSONDictionary.decode("id")
name = try JSONDictionary.decode("full_name")
email = try JSONDictionary.decode("email")
company = try JSONDictionary.decode("company")
friends = try JSONDictionary.decode("friends")
catch {
return nil
extension Company: JSONDecodable {
init?(JSONDictionary: [String:AnyObject]) {
do {
name = try JSONDictionary.decode("name")
address = try JSONDictionary.decode("address")
catch {
return nil
Simply provide the implementations for init?(JSONDictionary: [String:AnyObject])
As before, you can use this to configure the mapping between keys in the Dictionary to properties in your structs and classes.
let user = User(JSONDictionary: JSON)
id: 24,
name: "John Appleseed",
email: Optional("john@appleseed.com"),
company: Optional(Company(
name: "Apple",
address: Optional("1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA")
friends: [
id: 27,
name: "Bob Jefferson",
email: nil,
company: nil,
friends: []
id: 29,
name: "Jen Jackson",
email: nil,
company: nil,
friends: []
Working with JSON Strings
The convenience initializer init?(JSONString: String)
is provided on JSONDecodable
. You may also use func toJSONString() throws -> String
to obtain a string equivalent of your types.
Transforming values
To transform values, create an instance of JSONTransformer
let JSONTransformerStringToNSURL = JSONTransformer<String, NSURL>(
decoding: {NSURL(string: $0)},
encoding: {$0.absoluteString})
A JSONTransformer
converts between 2 types, in this case, String
. It takes a closure for decoding and another for encoding, and in each case, you return an optional value of the corresponding type given an input type (you can return nil
if a transformation is not possible).
Next, use the overloaded versions of func encode()
and func decode()
to supply the transformer:
struct User {
var website: NSURL?
init?(JSONDictionary: [String : AnyObject]) {
do {
website = try JSONDictionary.decode("website", transformer: JSONTransformerStringToNSURL)
func toJSON() throws -> AnyObject {
var result = [String: AnyObject]()
try result.encode(website, key: "website", transformer: JSONTransformerStringToNSURL)
return result
The following transformers are provided by default:
:String <-> NSURL
:String <-> NSDate
ISO format
Feel free to suggest more!
Example code
Refer to the Demo
project in the workspace for more information.
You might experience issues executing the playground in Xcode 7.0 Beta.
is under the MIT license.