
A Telegram bot to schedule events and links in RoboIME AI group

Primary LanguagePython

Cloning repository

Clone repository to /src/imepp-agenda

Configuring Server

Language locale

Install pt_BR.utf8 (or change bot.py to your locale)

$ sudo apt install language-pack-pt
$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales

Set time


Set timezone to America/Sao_Paulo

$ sudo timedatectl set-timezone America/Sao_Paulo

Configuring IMEppAgenda

Python3, virtualenv and pip

Install python3, virtualenv and pip

$ sudo apt install python3 python3-pip python3-venv

Run virtualenv

$ python3 -m venv venv
$ . ./venv/bin/activate

(To deactivate virtualenv just run deactivate)

Install requirements

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Setup database

$ bash setup.sh

Install service

Copy imepp-agenda.service to /etc/systemd/system.

Enable it to run at boot:

$ sudo systemctl start imepp-agenda

Configure TOKEN

Get your bot TOKEN using BotFather.

Create a file .ENV to store your token

$ echo "export TOKEN=<YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>" > .ENV

Run the bot

Having configured everything, the bot should run as a service

$ sudo systemctl start imepp-agenda