
Run the bash file to set-up freshly installed Ubuntu desktop

Primary LanguageShell


Run the bash file to set-up freshly installed Ubuntu desktop
To start set-up process

git clone https://github.com/lucciffer/ubuntu-setup.git    
cd ubuntu-setup    
sh setup.sh

Packages and Softwares installed by this sh file:
Optional packages

  1. Slack
  2. Git (includess configuration)
  3. Chrome
  4. Brave browser
  5. Xmind
  6. Anydesk
  7. Whitesur GTK Theme and Icon pack (includes configuration)
  8. Fusuma Multi-touch gestures
  9. GIMP
  10. OneNote
  11. Meshlab
  12. Miniconda
  13. Blender
  14. Discord
  15. Microsoft Teams
  16. Notion
  17. LaTeX tools and Texmaker
  18. VLC media player
  19. Spotify
  20. WhatsApp
  21. Telegram Desktop
  22. KeepassXC


  1. nvtop
  2. tmux
  3. net-tools
  4. openssh-server
  5. VSCode
  6. Gnome Tweaks
  7. Docker
  8. Samba (includes configuration)