
a meteorized and simplified WebRTC API

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


Supported Meteor version: >= 1.3 (only with modules enabled)

What is this thing?

Essentially it's an abstraction of the WebRTC-API and makes use of Meteors real-time connection based on DDP with its API and concepts on top, which are really handy, when it comes to the process of signaling in WebRTC-land (in short, it's the process about browsers exchanging information on how they can be reached or can connect to each other). The goal was to simplify the whole web real-time connection API with the focus on the data connection to make them feel more websockets-ish and Meteor-like.

Quick start

import Rtc from 'meteor/lucendio:rtc';

// @ Alices & Bobs client

// when Rtc.status === 'up'
// |
// V

// Alice wants to connect to Bob:
Rtc.connect( bobsUserId ).then( ( rtconnection )=>{
    rtconnection.send( 'hi there!' );

// Bob is ready for incoming connections
Rtc.incoming().connections( ( promise )=>{
    promise.then( ( rtconnection )=>{
        rtconnection.receive( ( data )=>{
            console.log( data ); //outputs: 'hi there!'

Good to know

  • it uses the WebRTC adapter to polyfill things

  • currently the supported browsers are Chrome, Opera and Firefox; other browsers might need an additional plugin

  • not only the WebRTC Standard is still a working draft, but this package as well is missing some important things (see Checklist). Therefore it's recommended to not use it in production. As of now it's not considered stable.


.bootup( options )

Basic initiation, setting default configurations and starts to accept and handle incoming connections.

NOTE: needs to be called before anything else on Rtc-API


Closes every existing connection, stops handling connections and doesn't allow incoming attempts anymore.

  • @return: amount of closed connections


Reflects the status of the `Rtc runtime.

  • reactive data source
  • possible values:
    • 'boot': initiating...
    • 'up': everything is up and running, handles incoming connections, can connect to someone else
    • 'block': blocks incoming connections; still able to connect to others
    • 'down': Rtc doesn't work anymore (all connections closed, blocks all incoming attempts)

.connect( userId [, options] )

Triggers an attempt to connect to a given user.

NOTE: information about a users status (e.g. about her availability) is not provided by this package and needs to be done independently

  • @return: Rtconnection wrapped in a Promise
  • userId: String (not required)
  • options: (not required), please see .bootup for more information

.disconnect( userId )

Cancels one or all connection(s).

NOTE: If no argument is given, all connections are going to be closed.

  • userId: String (not required)

.incoming()[.filter( filterFn )].connections( handleFn )

  • .filter( filterFn )

    • (not required)
    • filterFn( userId [, options ] ) has to return Boolean
  • .connections( handleFn )

    • handleFn( promise ) gets called on every incoming connection attempt; wraps a Rtconnection`

.connection( userId )

A simple getter for an existing connection.

  • *@return: RtconnectionORnull (if not exist)
  • userId: String


  • .id - getter, @return String
  • .role - getter, @return String, 'dispatcher' or 'recipient'
  • .state - reactive data source; possible values:+
    • 'initialized': instantiated
    • 'gathering': ICE candidates are getting determined
    • 'signaling': ICE information are getting exchanged
    • 'open': connection is established
    • 'closed': connection was terminated
  • .on( eventName, handleFn ) - registers event handler, @return handler
  • .when() - promisified version of .on()
  • .off( eventName [, handler ] ) - removes event listener(s); if handler is not defined, the call will remove all registered handlers
  • .send( data ) - sends data (Note: plain RTCDatachannel.send, serialization is not taking care of)
  • receive( handleFn ) - handleFn gets called on every incoming data, which is the first and only argument
  • .close() - closes the given connection
  • .stream - reactive data source; @return null or MediaStream


  • abstracting webrtc and providing basic API
  • support data and media
  • major refactoring towards ES6 modules
  • round up API (remove incoming handler, temp. blocking, document existing events, ...)
  • automated testing
  • check browser compatibility
  • add support for 1/n-to-n connections
  • update to latest version of the working draft
