Hello and welcome to Positiva the best eco blog from Cali!

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Incorporating eco-conscious practices, informative outreach, and a commitment to enhancing the environment seamlessly into a life of well-being with

[positiva CALI][https://positiva-cali.vercel.app/]

Nice Commands

Running and Building commands

  • hugo

  • hugo -d /

  • hugo serve

  • git reflog

Local server

  • npm install -g http-server

next, to serve locally just run the next command in project root:

  • http-server


Install Hugo from a [prebuilt binary], package manager, or package repository. Please see the installation instructions for your operating system:

  • [macOS]
  • [Linux]
  • [Windows]
  • [DragonFly BSD, FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD]

Build from source

Hugo is available in two editions: standard and extended. With the extended edition you can:

  • Encode to the WebP format when processing images. You can decode WebP images with either edition.
  • Transpile Sass to CSS using the embedded LibSass transpiler. The extended edition is not required to use the Dart Sass transpiler.

Prerequisites to build Hugo from source:

  • Standard edition: Go 1.19 or later
  • Extended edition: Go 1.19 or later, and GCC

Build the standard edition:

go install github.com/gohugoio/hugo@latest

Build the extended edition:

CGO_ENABLED=1 go install -tags extended github.com/gohugoio/hugo@latest


Hugo's [documentation] includes installation instructions, a quick start guide, conceptual explanations, reference information, and examples.

Please submit documentation issues and pull requests to the [documentation repository].


Please do not use the issue queue for questions or troubleshooting. Unless you are certain that your issue is a software defect, use the [forum].

Hugo’s [forum] is an active community of users and developers who answer questions, share knowledge, and provide examples. A quick search of over 20,000 topics will often answer your question. Please be sure to read about [requesting help] before asking your first question.


You can contribute to the Hugo project by:

  • Answering questions on the [forum]
  • Improving the [documentation]
  • Monitoring the [issue queue]
  • Creating or improving [themes]
  • Squashing [bugs]

Please submit documentation issues and pull requests to the [documentation repository].

If you have an idea for an enhancement or new feature, create a new topic on the [forum] in the "Feature" category. This will help you to:

  • Determine if the capability already exists
  • Measure interest
  • Refine the concept

If there is sufficient interest, [create a proposal]. Do not submit a pull request until the project lead accepts the proposal.

For a complete guide to contributing to Hugo, see the Contribution Guide.

Busybox (WSL package)

In WSL 2, you can also use Busybox, a set of utilities that includes an HTTP server. If you don't have Busybox installed, you can do so with the following command:

sudo apt update sudo apt install busybox Then, to start the HTTP server, navigate to your project folder and execute the following command:

busybox httpd -p 8080