
A metabase application that runs on postgreSQL and docker compose

Primary LanguageShell

Dockerized Metabase with PostgreSQL backend

Metabase is an open-source java-based software that enables users to analyse data from a range of data sources including relational databases (e.g. Postgresql, MySQL etc.), NoSql databases etc.

It can be quite helpful when one has a data science question that could easily be answered by data analysis.

By default, it stores application-specific data e.g. users, stored queries, configurations etc. on an H2 database on the same file system where it is installed.

However, it is difficult to retrieve this data once the application crushes (which it might do if you write a wrong sql query for it to run on your data). It is therefore usually better to have the application save the data in a postgreSQL database such that it recovers its original state after any crush.

Technology used

Technology Usage
Docker metabase and postgres run in different Docker containers
Docker Compose Docker compose netwroks the different Docker containers to allow them work together as dependent services
Metabase SQL based Analysis and Visualization program for any database
Postgres A database engine that stores relational data in a persistent way

How to run

This assumes the local machine is running on Ubuntu or macOS.

  1. Ensure Docker is installed.

  2. Ensure Docker Compose is installed on your system.

  3. Clone this git repository

    git clone https://github.com/rockcontent/compose-postgres-metabase.git
  4. Enter the compose-postgres-metabase folder

    cd compose-postgres-metabase
  5. Copy .env.sample to .env.

    cp .env.sample .env
  6. Update the environment variables POSTGRES_PASSWORD, METABASE_PASSWORD, MB_DB_PASS and save.

    # Add the password for the postgres user
    POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<put here the_password for the postgres user>
    # Add the password for the metabase user
    METABASE_PASSWORD=<put here the password for the metabase user>
    MB_DB_PASS=<put here the password for the metabase user>
  7. Start the docker compose services

    docker compose up
  8. Set up your metabase instance by visiting the local metabase start URL If you are on a server or changed the port in your .env, use http://<server IP>:<MB_HOST_APP_PORT>.

Service - Port Mappings

Service Default Port environment variable
Metabase 3000 MB_HOST_APP_PORT
Postgres 3010 MB_HOST_DB_PORT


Configuration inspired by the Beyond Jupyter talk by Joshua Gorner.