
Sample project applying architecture best practices for distributed systems

Primary LanguageC#


Sample implementation of an enterprise application architecture with a collection of principles and strategies for good practices

How it works

  • DDD
  • CQRS
  • Events
  • Observability
  • Authentication and authorization
  • Fail fast validations
  • EF Core Code First
  • Integration and Unit Tests

To Do

  • Features
    • Login
    • Register
    • CRUD products
    • Create order
    • List order
  • Seed database
  • Observability
    • Logs with Serilog
    • APM tool
  • Authentication and authorization
    • JWT Token
  • CQRS
    • Mediator
    • Caching/Read database
  • Events/async processing
    • MassTransit
  • Tests
    • Unit
    • Integration
  • Correlate logs between microservices http requests

Getting Started

Run services and databases

docker-compose up -d
docker-compose ps