
Ansible role to add, remove update your external IP to selected security groups for protocols and port ranges specified

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Role to whitelist the external IP of the machine the code is running on a.k.a. Ansible controller or a custom IP specified as an extra var with support of resetting to the original state or re-compute a changed external IP


  • Python 2.7
  • boto
  • AWS access keys with EC2FullAccess privileges

Role Variables

  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: Access key with EC2FullAccess privileges being set as environment variable as shown in the sample below
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: Corresponding secret access key to AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
  • EC2_REGION: The AWS region of your infrastructure
  • path_to_role: Path to the directory of the role. Default: roles/mikhailadvani.aws-sg-whitelist-my-ip
  • security_groups: The security group rules that should be modified to allow the IP of the controller machine. Supports multiple security groups
    • name: Name of the security group to be updated
    • vpc_id: The id of the VPC of the security group
    • rules: The additional inbound rules to be added from the controller IP. cidr_ip needs to be "{{my_ip}}" which will be resolved dynamically as a pre-task
  • access: set/unset/reset. Whether your external IP needs to be added, removed or updated to the security groups mentioned in vars Mandatory: yes. Default: none
  • my_ip: Optional extra var to whitelist specified IP instead of querying external API myexternalip.com. Default: Auto-computed to the external IP of the controller machine

Example Playbook

ansible-playbook aws-sg-whitelist-my-ip.yml -v -e "access=set"

ansible-playbook aws-sg-whitelist-my-ip.yml -v -e "access=reset"

ansible-playbook aws-sg-whitelist-my-ip.yml -v -e "access=unset"

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
    - include: "{{path_to_role}}/tasks/get_my_ip.yml"
      when: my_ip is not defined and (access == 'set' or access == 'reset')
    EC2_REGION: "{{EC2_REGION}}"
    - {role: aws-sg-whitelist-my-ip}



Author Information

The role was created in 2016 by Mikhail Advani

Twitter Handle: @mikhail_advani