

  1. Clone the project

  2. In terminal, run sails lift

  3. Register a “Client”

    1. Post request to http://localhost:1336/clients/register with x-www-form-urlencoded key:value pairs:

      email : <your email>
    2. Expected response:

          "url": "http://localhost:1336/clients/verify/<your email>?code=gqjH6igH6Z89ROEoVRFmEiVYuEfEZ1kQ"
    3. Access the verification link. Expected result:

        "verified": true,
        "email":    "<your email>"
  4. Register a User

    1. Post Request to http://localhost:1336/users/register with x-www-form-urlencoded key:value pairs:

      username : <your username>
      password : <your password>
      email    : <your email>
    2. Expected result:

          "url": "http://localhost:1336/users/verify/<your email>?code=Y087VfF3bbHmNrQaRsAfOB8srfNB0gDW"
    3. Access the verification link. Expected result:

        "verified": true,
        "email":    "<your email>"
  5. Request Token

    1. In order to request a token, you require a registered client and a registered user.

    2. Post request to http://localhost:1336/oauth/token with x-www-form-urlencoded key:value pairs:

      grant_type : password
      client_id  : <received client id>
      username   : <your username>
      password   : <your password>
    3. Copy access_token value (<received access token>) from the expected result:

          "access_token":  "<received access token>",
          "refresh_token": "<received refresh token>",
          "expires_in":    3600,
          "token_type":    "Bearer"
  6. Request Resource with Token

    1. Request with GET http://localhost:1336/users/current with custom authorization header key:value pair:

      Authorization : Bearer <received access token>
    2. Expected result:

          "identity": {
              "username": "<your username>",
              "email":    "<your email>"

If you get the result as in stept 5, it means that the project runs successfully. Congrats.