
The GitHub repo for Core Java Course in Hack Bulgaria - http://hackbulgaria.com/course/Java-1/

Primary LanguageJava


This is the official GitHub repo for Core Java Course in Hack Bulgaria - http://hackbulgaria.com/course/Java-1/

The course launched on May 27-th. Information about the course can be found at http://hackbulgaria.com/course/Java-1/ (Bulgarian)

You would likely want to check the start-here/start-here.md for information on the stuff you should do/install prior to course launch : )

If you have never programmed before, this is a not a course for you. If you want to learn programming the right way, see http://hackbulgaria.com and look for "Programming 101" : )

About this repo

Every folder in the repo starting with a number contains links/problems/materials about a specific subject/theme/area.
They are usually named named:

  • problems.md - for the tasks you need to solve
  • pre.md - for the prereading you should do beforehand
  • materials.md if you'd likely need to use the links/resources while solving tasks from problems.md .


  • Week 0 - Java Platform Introduction, Eclipse/JDK installings and configurations, Types, Arrays, Strings in Java
  • Week 1 - Introduction to debugging, 'Find-the-error-in-the-code-via-debugging' problems, Classes/Overloading/Overriding/OOP
  • Week 2 - Collections and Generics (usage), Defensive Programming/Error Handling and first "feedback-exam"
  • Week 3 - Working with the filesystem, working with foreign code, linking libraries
  • Week 4 - Practical Teamwork - pair programming, working in a team using git/github, working with XML/JSON
  • Week 5 - Working with XML/JSON, a small team project
  • Week 6 - Networking1 - Client/Server socket-based remote execution protocol
  • Week 7 - Networking2 - HTTP, Consuming REST services, downloading stuff, crawling web sites
  • Week 8 - Networking3 - Servlets, Consuming RSS, Generics in Java 2, Deploy-on-app-server-with-maven
  • (Bonus) Week 9 - Multithreading - Parallel Execution, Java concurrency mechanisms, job-interview-like exam