
Scripts and k8s objects that will be used @Java2Days 2019.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Set of k8s objects that will be potentially used in a Java2days presentation. Code monsters 2019.

A set of useful commands


Build a docker image of the backend service:

docker build -t luchob/ratings-service:v1 -f deployment/Dockerfile .

Build a docker image of the frontend service:

docker build -t luchob/ratings-frontend:v1 -f deployment/Dockerfile .

Push the docker to the docker hub.

docker login

docker push luchob/ratings-service:v1

docker push luchob/ratings-frontend:v1

Build the frontend service

npm run build-deployment


Run busy box within the cluster:

kubectl run my-shell --restart=Never --rm -i --tty --image amouat/network-utils -- bash

Run mysql client within the cluster:

kubectl run -i --tty mysql-client --image=imega/mysql-client --restart=Never -- sh

Use the java2days namespace as default

kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=java2days

Remove an annotation from pvc

kubectl patch pvc java2days-mysql-pvc -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":null}}'


Reuse the docker daemon locally:

eval $(minikube docker-env)


Get current project

gcloud config get-value project

Get persistent disks

gcloud compute disks list