
A PoC for integration with SonarCloud

Primary LanguageJava


This is a very simple Spring Boot app which is a demo for integration with Sonar Cloud. The analysis is CI based and not automatic. SonnarScanner for Gradle was used.

The results of the code analysis and the code coverage are uploaded here.


The JaCoCo and the Sonar scanner are imported (please check for newer version of the Sonarqube plugin):

plugins {
	id 'jacoco'
	id 'org.sonarqube' version "3.0"

The minimum required properties for sonar are configured:

sonarqube {
	properties {
		property "sonar.projectKey", "luchob_sonarcloud"
		property "sonar.organization", "luchob"
		property "sonar.host.url", "https://sonarcloud.io"
Property Explanation
sonar.projectKey Unique key specific for the project.
sonar.organization The GitHub organization. Every project should be bound to an organization.
sonar.host.url Should be https://sonarcloud.io.

The binary JaCoCo reports are deprecated for Sonar analysis thus XML reports need to be enabled.

jacocoTestReport {
	reports {
		xml.enabled true

Running the analysis

Every project gets a secret token so that the analysis results can be uploaded to SonarCloud. The token can be used as an environment variable with name SONAR_TOKEN. E.g. before running the analysis on Mac export the environment variable like this:

export SONAR_TOKEN <your-token-here>

Finally for gralde run the analysis:

./gradlew clean build jacocoTestReport sonarqube

The task jacocoTestReport should be run otherwise no code coverage data will be exported. More details here.