
Integrating Apache Airflow, dbt, Great Expectations and Apache Superset to develop a modern open source data stack.

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Open Source Data Stack

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On the following project, we are going to integrate Apache Airflow, PostgreSQL, dbt, Great Expectations and Apache Superset. We are going to do it by using Apache Airflow to orchestrate and schedule dbt (by running and testing the models) to create the data model on a local PostgreSQL database. Use Great Expectations to define some further data tests and data profiles, and create a dashboard on Apache Superset where we are going to visualize the data. Also, we added two nignx servers to host both dbt and Great Expectations documentation generated.


The idea is not to go through the basics of each technology, but here is a small summary of each one.

Apache Airflow

Apache Airflow is an open-source tool to programmatically author, schedule, and monitor workflows. It is one of the most robust platforms used by Data Engineers for orchestrating workflows or pipelines. You can easily visualize your data pipelines’ dependencies, progress, logs, code, trigger tasks, and success status.

With Apache Airflow, users can author workflows as Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) of tasks. Apache Airflow’s rich user interface makes it easy to visualize pipelines running in production, monitor progress, and troubleshoot issues when needed. It connects with multiple data sources and can send an alert via email or Slack when a task completes or fails. Apache Airflow is distributed, scalable, and flexible, making it well suited to handle the orchestration of complex business logic.


PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system with over 30 years of active development that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, feature robustness, and performance. It is used as the primary data store or data warehouse for many web, mobile, geospatial, and analytics applications.


dbt is a transformation workflow that lets teams quickly and collaboratively deploy analytics code following software engineering best practices like modularity, portability, CI/CD, and documentation. Now anyone who knows SQL can build production-grade data pipelines.

dbt does the T in ELT (Extract, Load, Transform) processes – it doesn’t extract or load data, but it’s extremely good at transforming data that’s already loaded into your warehouse.

Analysts using dbt can transform their data by simply writing select statements, while dbt handles turning these statements into tables and views in a data warehouse.

These select statements, or models, form a dbt project. Models frequently build on top of one another – dbt makes it easy to manage relationships between models, and visualize these relationships, as well as assure the quality of your transformations through testing.

A dbt project is a directory of .sql and .yml files. The directory must contain at a minimum:

  • Models: A model is a single .sql file. Each model contains a single select statement that either transforms raw data into a dataset that is ready for analytics, or, more often, is an intermediate step in such a transformation.
  • A project file: a dbt_project.yml file which configures and defines your dbt project.

Projects typically contain a number of other resources as well, including tests, snapshots, and seed files.

dbt connects to your data warehouse to run data transformation queries. As such, you’ll need a data warehouse with source data loaded in it to use dbt. On this project we are going to use PostgreSQL.

As a dbt user, your main focus will be on writing models (i.e. select queries) that reflect core business logic – there’s no need to write boilerplate code to create tables and views, or to define the order of execution of your models. Instead, dbt handles turning these models into objects in your warehouse for you.

dbt handles boilerplate code to materialize queries as relations. For each model you create, you can easily configure a materialization.

A materialization represents a build strategy for your select query – the code behind a materialization is robust, boilerplate SQL that wraps your select query in a statement to create a new, or update an existing, relation.

dbt ships with the following built-in materializations:

  • view (default): The model is built as a view in the database.
  • table: The model is built as a table in the database.
  • ephemeral: The model is not directly built in the database, but is instead pulled into dependent models as common table expressions.
  • incremental: The model is initially built as a table, and in subsequent runs, dbt inserts new rows and updates changed rows in the table.

dbt determines the order of model execution. Often when transforming data, it makes sense to do so in a staged approach. dbt provides a mechanism to implement transformations in stages through the ref function.

When compiled to executable SQL, dbt will replace the model specified in the ref function with the relation name.

Importantly, dbt also uses the ref function to determine the sequence in which to execute the model. dbt builds a directed acyclic graph (DAG) based on the interdependencies between models – each node of the graph represents a model, and edges between the nodes are defined by ref functions, where a model specified in a ref function is recognized as a predecessor of the current model.

When dbt runs, models are executed in the order specified by the DAG – there’s no need to explicitly define the order of execution of your models. Building models in staged transformations also reduces the need to repeat SQL, as a single transformation (for example, renaming a column) can be shared as a predecessor for a number of downstream models.

dbt has a number of additional features that make it even more powerful, including:

  • Code compiler: In dbt, SQL files can contain Jinja, a lightweight templating language. Using Jinja in SQL provides a way to use control structures (e.g. if statements and for loops) in your queries. It also enables repeated SQL to be shared through macros.

  • Documentation: dbt provides a mechanism to write, version-control, and share documentation for your dbt models. Descriptions (in plain text, or markdown) can be written for each model and field.

  • Tests: SQL can be difficult to test, since the underlying data is frequently changing. dbt provides a way to improve the integrity of the SQL in each model by making assertions about the results generated by a model. Out of the box, you can test whether a specified column in a model only contains:

    • Non-null values
    • Unique values
    • Values that have a corresponding value in another model (e.g. a customer_id for an order corresponds to an id in the customers model)
    • Values from a specified list
    • Tests can be easily extended to suit business logic specific to your organization – any assertion that you can make about your model in the form of a select query can be turned into a test.
  • Package management: dbt ships with a package manager, which allows analysts to use and publish both public and private repositories of dbt code which can then be referenced by others.

  • Data snapshots: Often, records in a data source are mutable, in that they change over time. This can be difficult to handle in analytics if you want to reconstruct historic values. dbt provides a mechanism to snapshot raw data for a point in time, through use of snapshots

  • Understand raw data sources: Since dbt selects from raw data already loaded in your data warehouse, it's useful to understand the role of these tables and schemas within your warehouse. Defining raw data as a Source in dbt allows you to:

    • Document and test the data that is loaded into your warehouse
    • Check the freshness of your data against specified limits, to help identify upstream issues.
    • Understand which models depend on each data source.

On this project, we are going to use the data, sources and models defined on dbt Refactoring SQL for Modularity course.

For a complete tutorial, you can refer to my dbt-postgres-tutorial repository.

Great Expectations

Great Expectations is the leading tool for validating, documenting, and profiling your data to maintain quality and improve communication between teams.

With Great Expectations, you can assert what you expect from the data you load and transform, and catch data issues quickly – Expectations are basically unit tests for your data. Not only that, but Great Expectations also creates data documentation and data quality reports from those Expectations. Data science and data engineering teams use Great Expectations to:

  • Test data they ingest from other teams or vendors and ensure its validity.
  • Validate data they transform as a step in their data pipeline in order to ensure the correctness of transformations.
  • Prevent data quality issues from slipping into data products.
  • Streamline knowledge capture from subject-matter experts and make implicit knowledge explicit.
  • Develop rich, shared documentation of their data.

Expectations Expectations are assertions about your data. In Great Expectations, those assertions are expressed in a declarative language in the form of simple, human-readable Python methods.

Automated data profiling Writing pipeline tests from scratch can be tedious and overwhelming. Great Expectations jump starts the process by providing automated data profiling. The library profiles your data to get basic statistics, and automatically generates a suite of Expectations based on what is observed in the data.

Data Validation Once you’ve created your Expectations, Great Expectations can load any batch or several batches of data to validate with your suite of Expectations. Great Expectations tells you whether each Expectation in an Expectation Suite passes or fails, and returns any unexpected values that failed a test, which can significantly speed up debugging data issues!

Data docs Great Expectations renders Expectations to clean, human-readable documentation, which we call Data Docs, see the screenshot below. These HTML docs contain both your Expectation Suites as well as your data Validation Results each time validation is run – think of it as a continuously updated data quality report.

Apache Superset

Apache Superset is a modern, enterprise-ready business intelligence web application. It is fast, lightweight, intuitive, and loaded with options that make it easy for users of all skill sets to explore and visualize their data, from simple pie charts to highly detailed deck.gl geospatial charts.

Apache Superset is cloud-native and designed to be highly available. It was designed to scale out to large, distributed environments and works very well inside containers. While you can easily test drive Apache Superset on a modest setup or simply on your laptop, there’s virtually no limit around scaling out the platform.

Apache Superset provides:

  • An intuitive interface for visualizing datasets and crafting interactive dashboards
  • A wide array of beautiful visualizations to showcase your data
  • Code-free visualization builder to extract and present datasets
  • A world-class SQL IDE for preparing data for visualization, including a rich metadata browser
  • A lightweight semantic layer which empowers data analysts to quickly define custom dimensions and metrics
  • Out-of-the-box support for most SQL-speaking databases
  • Seamless, in-memory asynchronous caching and queries
  • An extensible security model that allows configuration of very intricate rules on on who can access which product features and datasets.
  • Integration with major authentication backends (database, OpenID, LDAP, OAuth, REMOTE_USER, etc)
  • The ability to add custom visualization plugins
  • An API for programmatic customization
  • A cloud-native architecture designed from the ground up for scale

Project Setup

First we should download the .csv files that we are going to insert to the DB. We should download this data on the db/data directory.

Once the data is downloaded, we can build the whole project:

$ echo -e "AIRFLOW_UID=$(id -u)\nAIRFLOW_GID=0" > .env
$ docker compose up airflow-init
$ docker compose up

This commands will run Apache Airflow on localhost:8080. We can login by using Airflow both as user and password. Also, it will create the PostgreSQL database were dbt is going to store the data models, and Apache Superset is going to be connected. And finally, the docker-compose.yml is in charge of inserting the downloaded data on the database.

Apache Airflow DAGs

DAG with dbt at a project level

The first DAG we will create is a pretty simple one. We can see it on project_level_dbt_dag DAG.

Here, we will just use the BashOperator to run and test the whole jaffle_shop project. We will have 2 tasks (dbt_run and dbt_test) that executes dbt run to create the whole models on the PostgreSQL database, and then execute dbt test to test the created models.

The DAG looks something like this:


Where, dbt_run is defined as follows: project_level_dbt_run The models are defined on dbt/jaffle_shop/models directory, there you will find the staging, intermediate and final queries that build the whole data model.

And by inspecting its logs, we can see that it runs all the models at once.


The same with dbt_test: project_level_dbt_test The tests are defined both on the different .yml files stored on the dbt/jaffle_shop/models directory, and also defined as .sql files on the dbt/jaffle_shop/tests. This approach can be done in case we need some custom tests that are not covered by dbt's built in ones.

The ones defined on the .yml files on the dbt/jaffle_shop/models directory, are basicaly in charge of testing the uniqueness and not null of each table primary key. Also, we are testing a relatinship constraint between jaffle_shop.customers and jaffle_shop.orders tables.

On the other side, on the dbt/jaffle_shop/tests/assert/positive_total_for_payments.sql file, we are testing that the payed amount per order id, should always be greater or equal than 0. Also we defined the dbt/jaffle_shop/tests/assert/positive_total_for_payments_daily.sql where we are using the date variable passed on the dbt test command.

And to check that all the tests have passed, let's look at the logs:


So, here we manage to run and test dbt models, but one main problem with this approach is that in case any model fails, the task will fail and we should reexecute all the models again after solving the issue with the one that failed. This could be very expensive in time to rebuild all the defined tables.

DAG with dbt at a model level

We can try instead, of creating one task per defined model, and one task per defined test. We did this on model_level_dbt_dag DAG.

To accomplish this, we are going to use the manifest.json stored on the target directory inside the dbt project. In this way we are going to parse all the defined models and tests, and create one task per each. This implementation is based on the following Astronomer's post.

In this case, if one model or test fails, we can reexecute only that one, without rebuilding everything. Also we can group all the model runs under the dbt_run taskgroup, and all the model tests under the dbt_test taskgroup, so the DAG graph is cleaner. This is also useful when creating some custom slack messages to be sent as a failure callback of any task. So we can quickly get notified whenever some model or test failed and go ahead and spolve the issue.

Also, we are going to add some dbt_validate tasks. Particularly the dbt_compile one is super important. In csae we add a new model, we should run dbt compile first, so the new model is logged on the manifest.json, and then the proper task will be created. This also works in case we remove/rename a productive model. We should always recreate the manifest.json and keep it fresh.

Also this solution is useful if we want different models to be run in different schedules.


If we open each taskgroup:


At the end of the DAG, we added the dbt_docs task, which is in charge of executing the dbt docs generate statement. As on the docker-compose.yml we added an nginx server to host the dbt documentation, we can go to localhost:80 and see the proper documentation of the data model.

Here, for example we can see the documentation generated for the fct_customer_orders model:


And here, we can see its lineage graph, where we can observe its dependencies, and the data sources used.


Let's go by parts to understand all the change we proposed here.

dbt Validate First, we included this TaskGroup to run the following commands: model_level_dbt_validate For example, the first task dbt_debug, is in charge of testing the connection agains the database. If everything is ok, we should see the following:


And when running dbt_compile, we will refresh the manifest.json file:


dbt Run Now, we will have one task per model to run, all grouped under the same TaskGroup The dependencies are taken from the manifest.json file, so we will keep the desired consistency on the running of the models. Let's look for example to the logs generated after running model.jaffle_shop.fct_customer_orders model, there we will find both the command executed and the dbt log:


dbt Test We also grouped all the tests together on the same TaskGroup and we see that there is one task per test. Let's look the log of test.jaffle_shop.assert_positive_total_for_payments to check everything went fine:


dbt Docs This task is responsible of executing the following command: model_level_dbt_docs_task Generating the .html file that is hosted on localhost:80.

DAG with dbt at a model level with Great Expectations

Of course we can rely on dbt's testing suite to create more complex tests, such as the one we created on jaffle_shop/tests/assert_positive_total_for_payments.sql, but what if we want to use Great Expectations library? How can we include it on our current project?

For this, we created the model_level_dbt_great_expectations_dag adding some tasks to the previous DAG. We are going to use the GreatExpectationsOperator that we can find on the airflow-provider-great-expectations library. Here I decided to split the Great Expectations validations in 2: sources and targets. The sources validations we are going to execute them at the beginning of the DAG, and the targets validations, at the end, after running the dbt models.


Where great_expectations_sources is in charge of validating the three source tables, while great_expectations_targets validates dev.fct_customer_orders table. This can be seen when expanding the TaskGroups


When executing targets.dev__fct_customer_orders we can see the logs to check that the validations passed ok:


To further understand how to create the Expectations, you can check my great-expectations-postgres-tutorial repository.

But basically, we can find all the defined validations on the great_expectations directory. There I defined different expectations for different tables: jaffle_shop.customers, jaffle_shop.orders, stripe.payment and dev.fct_customer_orders. The expectations defined are in charge of validating the columns data types, uniqueness and not null values of the tables primary key.

Here, also we added another nginx server to host the Great Expectations documentation, we can go to localhost:81 and see the runs results and the defined validations on each table.


Apache Superset

The final part of this project, is to connect the data model to a visualization tool. For this we are going to use Apache Superset and connect it to the PostgreSQL database, so time the model runs and updates the data model, we can visaulize the new data.

To do so, we are going to use Apache Superset official docker-compose.yml file and build it. The file can be found here. The only thing we should do, is to attach the same network as the one where Airflow and PostgreSQL are running. We can add this at the end of the .yml file:

    external: true
    name: open-source-data-stack_default

Now we can build Apache Superset by running:

$ cd superset
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-non-dev.yml up

This will run Apache Superset at localhost:8088, we can access by using admin as both user and password. Once we log in, we can create the connection to the database.


We also need to create a dataset, that will be the same dev.fct_customer_orders table.


Once created, we can start creating charts to create our Jaffle Shop dashboard. We will create two plots:

  • Daily Orders: is counting the orders grouped by order_date
  • Daily LTV: is summing the customer_lifetimevalue per order_date



Also we are going to create a filter, to filter by Customer ID in case we want to. In this way, we have created our Jaffle Shop dashboard.
