
User preferences and configuration settings persistence feature for node.js apps.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


User preferences and configuration settings persistence feature for node.js apps.


Node-prefs module lets you easily persist and retrieve user preferences and configuration settings in your node.js app. Install and include it in your project, so you can focus on your app development.

All user preferences and configuration settings are stored locally in a JSON file with a specified file path and file name.


npm install node-prefs


npm install --save node-prefs


const NodePrefs = require('node-prefs');
const prefs = new NodePrefs({
  fileName: "config.js",
  defaults: {
    window: {
      width: 600,
      height: 300

prefs.set('foo', 'bar');
//=> bar

//=> { width: 600, height: 300 }

// use dot-notation to access nested properties
prefs.set('window.width', 700);
//=> { width: 700, height: 300 }
//=> 700

//=> undefined


  • Constructor:

new NodePrefs(mOptions)

Creates an instance of NodePrefs.


Type Name Description
Object mOptions A JSON-like object containing instance options
String mOptions.fileName The name of the file where preferences are stored
String mOptions.sFilePath The full path to the settings data file.
Object mOptions.defaults A set of default settings and/or preferences

  • Properties:

Type Name Description Read-only Static
Object defaults The default values for this instance. Yes No
String path The full path to the configuration data file. Yes No
Number size he number of entries in the settings file (same as length). Yes No
Number length he number of entries in the settings file (same as size). Yes No

  • Methods:

NodePrefs.parseDataFile(sFilePath, mDefaults)

Reads the settings data file and returns its content as a JSON object.


Type Name Description
String sFilePath The full path to the settings data file.
Object mDefaults A set of default values to return if it fails loading the settings data file.

Returns: Object - A JSON-like object containing the settings and user preferences iub the data file.

NodePrefs.flattenObject(oObj, sSeparator)

Flattens nested objects into a single-depth object. For example:

{ foo: 'bar', baz: { foo: 'bar' } }

will turn into:

{ foo: 'bar', 'baz.foo': 'bar' }


Type Name Description
Object oObj The object (with nested objects) to flatten.
String sSeparator A string to use as separator between the keys. By default, the separator is . (dot).

Returns: Object - The flatten object.


Removes all the settings in the settings list.

Parameters: None

Returns: NodePrefs - Self-reference for method chaining calls.


Removes the specified settings item from the settings list.


Type Name Description
String sKey The settings item to remove.

Returns: NodePrefs - Self-reference for method chaining calls.


Returns a array containing all the [key, value] pairs for each settings item in the settings list.

Parameters: None

Returns: Array - The [key, value] pairs array.

NodePrefs.prototype.forEach(fCallback, thisArg)

Executes the given function once for each key-value pair in the settings list.


Type Name Description
Function fCallback The function to execute for each key-value pair.
Object thisArg The value of this when executing the callback function.

Returns: NodePrefs - Self-reference for method chaining calls.


Returns whether the settings list contains a settings item with the given key or not.


Type Name Description
String sKey The key to check the settings list for.

Returns: Boolean - true if the settings list contains a settings item with given key, or false otherwise.


Gets the value of the settings item referenced by the given key in the settings list, or the whole list if no key is given.


Type Name Description
String sKey The key of a settings item in the settings list.

Returns: any - The value of the settings item referenced by the key in the settings list, or the whole list if no key is given.

NodePrefs.prototype.set(sKey, sValue)

Sets the given value as the value of the settings item referenced by the given key in the settings list.


Type Name Description
String sKey The key of a settings item in the settings list.
any sValue The value to assign to the settings item referenced by the key in the settings list.

Returns: NodePrefs - Self-reference for method chaining calls.


Returns the names of all enumerable settings and preferences of this object.

Parameters: None

Returns: String[] - The names of the enumerable settings and preferences.


Returns the names of all enumerable settings and preferences of this object.

Parameters: None

Returns: String[] - The values of the enumerable settings and preferences.

