This is modified (Canu+HISEA)
assembly pipeline. HISEA is an efficient all-vs-all long read aligner for SMRT sequencing data. Its algorithm is designed to produce highest alignment sensitivity among others. The HISEA program has been integrated in Canu pipeline in order to produce better assemblies. For details of HISEA program, please see HISEA
Canu is a fork of the Celera Assembler, designed for high-noise single-molecule sequencing (such as the PacBio RS II or Oxford Nanopore MinION).
This is modified Canu assembly pipeline (Canu+HISEA)
which runs in four steps, similar to originial Canu pipeline:
- Detect overlaps in high-noise sequences using HISEA (This is new in our pipeline)
- Generate corrected sequence consensus
- Trim corrected sequences
- Assemble trimmed corrected sequences
The evaluation of HISEA genome assembly is performed using 30X and 50X sub-sampled data extracted from original datasets downloaded from Pacific Biosciences DevNet Datasets. The 30X and 50X coverage datasets were sampled using the utility fastqSample available from the Canu pipeline.
The HISEA configuration files used for 30X Canu assembly pipeline can be downloaded from the table below. For 50X, same configuration file was used with modification of corHiseaSensitivity parameter set to normal.
Genome | Configuration File Links |
E.coli | E.coli configuration |
S.cerevisiae | S.cerevisiae configuration |
C.elegans | C.elegans configuration |
A.thaliana | A.thaliana configuration |
D.melanogaster | D.melanogaster configuration |
A detailed comparison of HISEA with other leading programs can be found in HISEA paper (Nilesh Khiste and Lucian Ilie). Below are some plots showing NGA50 results for Canu+HISEA and Canu+MHAP.
git clone
cd Canu_HISEA/src
make -j <number of threads>
Brief command line help:
Full list of parameters:
../<architecture>/bin/canu -options
HISEA specific parameters for configuration file:
Chunk of reads that can fit into 1GB of memory. Combined with memory to compute the size
of chunk the reads are split into.
Use k-mers of this size for detecting overlaps.
Memory size per block.
Either normal, high, or low
Here is an example of a dummy configuration file, config.txt:
For usage specific to HISEA configuration, please look at our webpage. The quick start will get you assembling quickly, while the tutorial explains things in more detail.
If you find Canu+HISEA pipeline useful, please cite the HISEA paper:
N. Khiste, L. Ilie HISEA: HIerarchical SEed Aligner for PacBio data BMC Bioinformatics, 2017