
ALGroups - Group of friends platform

Primary LanguageC#


ALGroups is a platform for dicovering and managing groups of friends.

This project was developed for the Web Application Developent course at the University of Bucharest.


  • Group discovery - See the latest groups and search by name
  • Membership management - Anybody can request membership, but only the group moderators can accept. Users can also be kicked out.
  • Content - The users can post messages, upload files and set events in the calendar. The moderators can filter and delete the content.
  • Admin - a user that can see every group, delete contemt, kick users and revoke their access to the platform.


  • ASP MVC with Razer templates.


With this project I experimented with a Clean Architecture inspired structure. Every piece of logic in the app is coded in it's use case (UseCases folder).