Scriptails is a framework for building a command line interface(CLI) using Node.js.Scriptails makes easy to build your own CLIs for your company, service, project. Yes, scriptails were created to be used both within projects and as a separate tool.
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With scriptails you can easily build CLIs tools for your project, company or organization. You might want to use Scriptails if:
- You need to build some advanced scripts to perform repetitive tasks on your project.
- You have a complex deployment process and you need to simplify this.
- You want to automate some things.
Install scriptails using yarn
or npm
yarn add scriptails
npm install scriptails
const { start } = require('scriptails');
start(process.argv, {
name: 'my-cli',
description: 'my cli description',
version: '1.0',
Note: In the 3rd line we import our command file, the scriptails the commands must be imported before the start function, if you import/require them later it is very likely that you will have problems running it.
Now we will declare our first command within the my-frist.command.js
const { command } = require('scriptails');
command('first', (command) => {
command.option(['-D', '--debug'], null, 'Set debug mode', false);
command.onAction((ctx) => {
const isDebug = action.getOption('debug').toBoolean();
if(isDebug) {
ctx.log("Debug is On");
ctx.logWithLabel("success", "Hello world, with label");
Finally run your new CLI using:
node index.js first