Lista de Exercícios com conteúdo relevante a todo curso Maratona Java Virado no Jiraya DevDojo. Para mais informações acesse o curso no youtube, segue link abaixo.
- 01. What to expect from the course
- 02. How Java Works
- 03. Downloading JDK 15
- 04. Setting environment variables
- 05. Running The Build Process Manually
- 06. Intellij community IDE download
- 07. Getting to know the intellij community IDE
- 08. Organizing code into packages
- 10. Primitive types - variable conventions
- 11. Primitive types - declaration and size in memory
- 12. Primitive types - casting
- 13. Primitive types - Strings
- 14. Primitive types - exercise
- 15. Arithmetic operators
- 16. Relational operators
- 17. Logical operators AND
- 18. Logical operators OR
- 19. Assignment Operators
- 20. Flow Control If
- 21. Flow Control If, else
- 22. Flow Control, Ternary Operator
- 23. Flow Control, Truth Table And Exercise
- 24. If Else Exercise Resolution
- 25. Switch And Exercise
- 26. Switch Exercise Resolution
- 27. Repetition Structure For, While And Do While
- 28. Repetition Structure Exercise
- 29. Repetition Structure Break Command
- 30. Break Exercise
- 31. Repetition Structure Continue Command
- 32. Arrays 1
- 33. Arrays 2
- 34. Arrays 3
- 35. Arrays 4 And Foreach
- 36. Multi-Dimensional Arrays
- 37. Multi-Dimensional Arrays 2
- 38. Multi-Dimensional Arrays 3 inicialization
- 39. Introduction to Classes 1
- 40. Introduction to Classes 2
- 41. Cohesion
- 42. Exercise about classes
- 43. Object reference
- 44. Methods
- 45. Methods with Parameters
- 46. Methods Return
- 47. Methods Return 2
- 48. Methods with Parameters primitive types
- 49. Methods with Parameters reference 1
- 50. Methods with Parameters reference 2
- 51. Methods with Parameters reference this
- 52. Passing Parameter Varargs
- 53. Methods Exercises
- 54. Private Modifier, Getters And Setters
- 55. Private Modifier, Getters And Setters 2
- 56. Private Modifier, Getters And Setters 3
- 57. Method overloading
- 58. Declaring Constructors And Overloading
- 59. Declaring Constructors And Overloading 2
- 60. Initialization Block
- 61. Static modifier
- 62. Static Methods
- 63. Static Initialization Block
- 64. Arrays with objects
- 65. One-to-many unidirectional association
- 66. One-way many-to-one association
- 67. Bidirectional association
- 68. Reading data from the console
- 69. Reading data from the console 2
- 70. Association Exercise
- 71. Inheritance
- 72. Inheritance And Reference Super
- 73. Inheritance And Protected Modifier
- 74. Constructors X Inheritance
- 75. Inheritance And Initialization Sequence
- 76. ToString method override
- 77. Final Modifier - Primitive type
- 78. Final Modifier - Primitive type 2
- 79. Final Modifier - Classes and methods
- 80. Enums
- 81. Enums Constructors and attributes
- 82. method override
- 83. Search by attributes
- 84. Abstract Classes
- 85. Abstract Methods
- 86. Abstract methods rules
- 87. Interfaces In Java
- 88. Implementing multiple interfaces
- 89. Static attributes and methods
- 90. Polymorphism
- 91. Polymorphism operation
- 92. Polymorphism And Polymorphic Parameters
- 93. Polymorphism, Operator Instanceof And Cast of Objects
- 94. Polymorphism interface oriented programming
- 95. Errors
- 96. Runtime Exception
- 97. Exceptions
- 98. Throwing unchecked exception
- 99. Throwing checked exception
- 100. Finally block
- 101. Catching multiple exceptions
- 102. Multi-catch in line
- 103. Try with resources
- 104. custom exception
- 105. Exception and overwrite rules
- 106. Wrapper Classes
- 107. AutoBoxing And Unboxing
- 108. String
- 109. String 02
- 110. StringBuffer And StringBuilder
- 111. StringBuilder
- 112. Dates With Date
- 113. Dates With Calendar
- 114. DateFormat
- 115. Internationalization With Locale Classes
- 116. Formatting Numbers With Java.Text.NumberFormat
- 117. Formatting coins With Java.Text.NumberFormat
- 118. Formatting Dates With SimpleDateFormat
- 119. LocalDate
- 120. LocalTime
- 121. LocalDateTime
- 122. Instant
- 123. Duration
- 124. Period
- 125. ChronoUnit
- 126. TemporalAdjusters
- 127. TemporalAdjuster
- 128. ZoneDateTime, zoneId, OffsetDateTime
- 129. DateTimeFormatter
- 130. Resource Bundles
- 131. Regex - Pattern and Matcher
- 132. Regex 2 - Pattern and Matcher - Meta caracteres
- 133. Regex 3 - Pattern and Matcher - Range
- 134. Regex 4 - Pattern and Matcher - Quantifiers
- 135. Regex 5 - Pattern and Matcher - Quantifiers 2
- 136. Regex 6 - Pattern and Matcher - Anchor
- 137. Scanner - Tokens and delimiters
- 138. File Class
- 139. FileWriter
- 140. FileReader
- 141. BufferedWriter
- 142. BufferedReader
- 143. File Class For Directory
- 144. Path, Paths And Files
- 145. Path, Paths And Files 2
- 146. Normalizing Paths
- 147. Solving Paths
- 148. Relativize Paths
- 149. BasicFilesAttributes
- 150. BasicFilesAttributes 2
- 151. DosFileAttribute
- 152. PoxisFileAttribute
- 153. DirectoryStream
- 154. SimpleFileVisitor
- 155. SimpleFileVisitor 2
- 156. PathMatcher
- 157. PathMatcher
- 161. Method Equals()
- 162. Method Equals() 2
- 163. Methods hashcode()
- 164. Methods hashcode() 2
- 165. Big-O Complexity
- 166. Interface Java.Util.List
- 167. Interface Java.Util.List 2
- 168. Interface Java.Util.List 3
- 169. Sorting
- 170. Sorting Lists With Comparable
- 171. How To Order Arrays And Lists With Comparator
- 172. Binary Search in Lists And Arrays
- 173. Converting Arrays To List And List To Arrays
- 174. Iterator
- 175. Collections Set, HashSet And LinkedHashSet
- 176. Collections NavigableSet And TreeSet
- 177. Collections NavigableSet And TreeSet 2
- 178. Collections Map, HashMap And LinkedHashMap
- 179. Collections Map, HashMap And LinkedHashMap 2
- 180. Collections Map, HashMap And LinkedHashMap 3
- 181. NavigableMap And TreeMap
- 182. Queue And PriorityQueue
- 183. Generic Types Introduction
- 184. Generic Wildcard Character
- 185. Generic Wildcard Character 2
- 186. Generic Classes
- 187. Generic Classes 2
- 188. Generic Methods
- 189. Inner Classes Or Nested Classes
- 190. Local Inner Class
- 191. Anonymous Classes
- 192. Static Inner Classes
- 193. Parameterizing behaviors
- 194. Parameterizing behaviors 2
- 195. Functional Programming and Lambdas - Predicate
- 196. Functional Programming and Lambdas - Consumer
- 197. Functional Programming and Lambdas - Function
- 198. Functional Programming and Lambdas - Reference to Static Methods
- 199. Functional Programming and Lambdas - Reference to non-static Methods
- 200. Functional Programming and Lambdas - Reference to Constructor
- 201. Avoiding NullPointerException with Optional
- 202. Avoiding NullPointerException with Optional 2
- 203. Streams
- 204. Streams 2
- 205. Streams 3
- 206. Streams 4 - FlatMap
- 207. Streams 5 - FlatMap 2
- 208. Streams Finding and Matching
- 209. Reducing
- 210. Reducing 2
- 211. Generating streams
- 212. Generating streams 2
- 213. Collectors - Summarizing
- 140. Installing The MySQL Database
- 141. Creating The Database And Tables
- 142. Connecting With Database, Driver JDBC
- 143. Inserting Data in the Database with Statement
- 144. Updating and Deleting Statement Data
- 145. ResultSet Selecting Records
- 146. ResultSet types and metadata
- 147. Methods for Cursor Positioning
- 148. Updating Records Using the Resultset
- 149. PreparedStatement
- 150. Procedures and Functions in the Database with CallableStatement
- 151. Connected RowSet - JdbcRowSet
- 152. Disconnected RowSet - CachedRowSet
- 153. Transactions
- 154. JDBC CRUD
- 155. JDBC CRUD 2
- 156. Defining, Instantiating And Starting Threads
- 157. Thread States And Transitions With Sleep, Yield And Join
- 158. Thread Priorities And Sleep(), Yield() And Join()
- 159. Synchronizing Code And Locks
- 160. Synchronizing Code And DeadLock
- 161. Thread Interaction With Wait, Notify And NotifyAll
- 162. Concurrence, Atomic Variables
- 163. Concurrence, Lock And ReentrantLock
- 164. Concurrence, Conditions
- 165. Concurrence, ReentrantReadWriteLock
- 166. Concurrence, CopyOnWriteArrayList
- 167. Concurrence, Concurrence Collections
- 168. Concurrence, Blocking Queues
- 169. Concurrence, Executors : Thread Pools
- 170. Concurrence, Executors : Scheduled Thread Pool
- 171. Concurrence, Callable Interface
- 172. Builder Pattern
- 173. Singleton Pattern
- 174. DAO Pattern
- 175. Factory Pattern