
Repository containing the datasets that were considered in the paper "Costa, Luciano; Contardo, Claudio; Desaulniers, Guy; Yarkony, Julian. Stabilized column generation via the dynamic separation of aggregated rows" accepted to be published in INFORMS Journal on Computing.

Each folder contains instances files, as well as a README file, for the following problems:

  • Bin Packing Problem with Conflicts: Newly generated datasets for the Bin Packing Problem with Conflicts (BPPC) with arbitrary conflict graphs.

  • Multi-Person Pose Estimation Problem: The datasets have been proposed by Andriluka et al. (2014) but were made available in this repository for the convenience of the reader.

  • Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows: The datasets have been downloaded from but were made available in this repository for the convenience of the reader.


Andriluka, M.; Pishchulin, L.; Gehler, P. B. S. (2014) 2D human pose estimation: New benchmark and state of the art analysis. Proc. 27th Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 3686-3693 (Columbus, Ohio).