
In House Meme Generator

Primary LanguagePython


In House Meme Generator

This is designed to be drop and use as much as possible. Designed for office use to create memes to be used for in office chat.

To Run:

python memegen.py


  • New Image Template Upload
  • Creates static links for all memes generated

How It Works

Memegen stores all images on the local file system in the static/images and static/memes folders. memegen.db is a sqlite3 database that keeps track of all the files in these folders.

Memegen uses PIL (Python Image Library) to write text on images.

Very little work needs to be done to serve this application on httpd, lighthttpd, or nginx. However due to load requirements there is little need as no more then a handful of people will ever be using it at once. http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/deploying/


All the dependencies can be installed via pip

sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev build-essential libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 libjpeg8-dev
sudo pip install pillow
sudo pip install flask
sudo pip install pysqlite