This is an open source project that anyone can feel free to work on and contribute to. Get creative and have fun. This project has survived two Hacktoberfests. If this site is broken, please feel free to open an issue or fix it and make a PR. 😁
- Please do not use the var keyword
- If a CSS rule is no longer used, delete it
- If a line of JavaScript is no longer used, delete it
- Maintain responsiveness (Should work on a phone)
- Use the BEM Methodology to the best of your ability
- No CSS Frameworks
- No JS Frameworks/Libs (React, Solid, Svelte, get the idea)
- Does not need to support IE 😆
- Be Creative
- Have fun! 😃
First time contributors and developers of all levels are welcome!
- All issues are up for grabs.
- Fork the repo, then clone. Create a new branch for any issue you're working on. Make a PR.
- Everything is up for grabs, even the readme file, however, make sure your contribution is meaningful. For example, if you're going to update the readme, please make sure the update is useful. Please open a new issue if you see something that you want to add/update/fix that doesn't already have an open issue.
Please adhere to the OpenJS Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct