
A lazy loading image carrousel

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A real simple lazy loading image carrousel directive for Angular. I made this app as an exersice for setting up an Angular application with unit tests and end to end testing. Also the directive is made available as a Bower package.

Install with Bower: bower install dm-angular-carrousel.

Demo: http://www.damsko-media.nl/angular-carrousel

How to use :

Download the directive and the css file (or install with Bower: bower install dm-angular-carrousel) and make it available in your Angular application.

├── dist
	├── js
		|── DmCarrousel.js
	├── stylesheets
		├── style.css

Create an imageData object in the scope of your application with the image data objects in it like ie.:

var imageData = [
        name: "Image 1",
        path: "http://lorempixel.com/600/300/nature/1"
        name: "Image 2",
        path: "http://lorempixel.com/600/300/nature/2"
        name: "Image 3",
        path: "http://lorempixel.com/600/300/nature/3"
        name: "Image 4",
        path: "http://lorempixel.com/600/300/nature/4"
        name: "Image 5",
        path: "http://lorempixel.com/600/300/nature/5"
        name: "Image 6",
        path: "http://lorempixel.com/600/300/nature/6"

Then place the directive in your HTML and send the imageData object with it:

<dm-carrousel image-data="imageData"></dm-carrousel>

Make sure you have added the module to your app

var app = angular.module('App', [

Todo :

  • basic setup
  • create the carrousel directive
    • carrousel mechanism
    • lazyloading
    • updating css for animation
    • converting css to js for rotating images?
  • unit tests in karma
  • end-to-end tests in protractor
  • bower packaging