
It is just a list with some posts that may help you coding


It is just a list with some posts that may help you coding

Spring Annotations Resume


The Great Code Adventure

Guides that allowed to carry out my thesis [Just the backend part, developed in Spring/Springboot]

  1. Run mysql in a docker container
  2. Accessing data with MySQL
  3. Spring Boot Token based Authentication with Spring Security & JWT
  4. Authenticate with a backend server Google Sign-in
  5. Integrate locally SonarQube in a Java project
  6. Understanding Spring’s @ControllerAdvice
  7. Spring Boot OAuth2 Social Login with Google, Facebook, and Github - Part 1
  8. Account activation by sending email confirmation with Java Spring MVC
  9. Email Verification Example with Spring Boot, MySQL, and Amazon SES
  10. JavaMail Example – Send Mail in Java using SMTP
  11. README Template English
  12. README Ejemplo Español
  13. How to do a README